VA Shiva Ayyadurai files copyright for the term "email" and his software combined with others forms the new communication we know and use today.
VA Shiva Ayyadurai files copyright for the term "email" and his software combined with others forms the new communication we know and use today.
Known as the "father of the cell phone", Martin Cooper led the team from Motorolla who brought his society-altering invention to market.
Known as the "father of the cell phone", Martin Cooper led the team from Motorolla who brought his society-altering invention to market.
Dr. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky invented the world's first webcam to help late night studiers and programmers keep an eye on coffee levels.
Dr. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky invented the world's first webcam to help late night studiers and programmers keep an eye on coffee levels.
Operating under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA), the NSA began it's mass collection of emails through the PRISM surveillance program.
Operating under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA), the NSA began it's mass collection of emails through the PRISM surveillance program.
British Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT) launch secret prototype program w/ NSA that surreptitiously collects private webcam still images from users while using a Yahoo! webcam application.
British Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT) launch secret prototype program w/ NSA that surreptitiously collects private webcam still images from users while using a Yahoo! webcam application.
In April of 2013, a top secret FISA court order allows NSA to intercept millions of calls from US customers.
In April of 2013, a top secret FISA court order allows NSA to intercept millions of calls from US customers.
Google Patents microscopic Video Contact Lens, click to watch news clip via youtube.
Google Patents microscopic Video Contact Lens, click to watch news clip via youtube.
VA Shiva Ayyadurai files copyright for the term "email" and his software combined with others forms the new communication we know and use today.
VA Shiva Ayyadurai files copyright for the term "email" and his software combined with others forms the new communication we know and use today.
Known as the "father of the cell phone", Martin Cooper led the team from Motorolla who brought his society-altering invention to market.
Known as the "father of the cell phone", Martin Cooper led the team from Motorolla who brought his society-altering invention to market.
Dr. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky invented the world's first webcam to help late night studiers and programmers keep an eye on coffee levels.
Dr. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky invented the world's first webcam to help late night studiers and programmers keep an eye on coffee levels.
Operating under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA), the NSA began it's mass collection of emails through the PRISM surveillance program.
Operating under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA), the NSA began it's mass collection of emails through the PRISM surveillance program.
British Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT) launch secret prototype program w/ NSA that surreptitiously collects private webcam still images from users while using a Yahoo! webcam application.
British Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT) launch secret prototype program w/ NSA that surreptitiously collects private webcam still images from users while using a Yahoo! webcam application.
In April of 2013, a top secret FISA court order allows NSA to intercept millions of calls from US customers.
In April of 2013, a top secret FISA court order allows NSA to intercept millions of calls from US customers.Verizon forced to hand over telephone data – read the full court rulingThe US government has been collecting the phone records of millions of US customers of Verizon under a top secret court order. Read the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order
Google Patents microscopic Video Contact Lens, click to watch news clip via youtube.
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