About Citizens Against Optic Surveillance:

After their grandfather’s death, a college student residing in an undisclosed location within the United States discovered a USB drive hidden amongst the late elder’s belongings. Contained on the aforementioned USB drive was over 100+ .AVI files, in addition to a single .EXE, all the names of which appeared to be encrypted. A handful of these clips, along with a lengthy backstory on how the files were uncovered was shared with the Reddit community, r/Thetruthishere, however, due to lack of time and knowhow, the student later decided to share the USB drive with an established organization in the hopes that it could be decrypted and shared with the general public. An associate of Humans Not Drones alerted us to this posting and we quickly offered our assistance. Humans Not Drones was then fortunate enough to receive the USB drive with the intention of inspecting it further.

We’ve currently been in possession of said USB drive for the previous two months. Many hours have already been poured into documenting the available clips, and decrypt the .EXE file, the ladder of which we feel confident can and will be cracked by our organization in the foreseeable future.

Regarding The Footage:

The footage contained on the USB drive is believed, by our organization, to be leaked from a trial run of either a micro camera contact lens, or an optic implant which serves a similar purpose of recording all that the owner sees.

This is a huge issue regarding our constitutional right to privacy. The downfall of Google Glass is that the camera was visible, causing many business to ban them outright from their properties. However, with a discreetly placed contact lens or optic implant, no one will be aware that their privacy is being invaded, and the users will likely be blind to the fact that all recorded footage can and will be accessed by both the NSA and 3rd party corporations.

Our goal is to bring awareness to the public regarding the both the recently discovered footage as well as the privacy pitfalls of modern technology, and tech which is currently being conceptualized and being made market-ready.